Thursday, September 6, 2012

QoS Models

o   Define how we deal with Contention in network
o   Two Types
§  Integrated Services
§  Differentiated Services
o   Both are defined by different RFCs
o   Integrated Services( IntServ)
§  Every application flow has an explicit reservation end-to-end network
§  It is connection oriented type-2 ios model
·         Application has awareness about QoS of end-to-end network
§   Does not scale well
·         Network must maintain too much state
·         Generally routers want to maintain in less state
§    It is a legacy IOS QoS model
§  Still used in real world applications
·         Mainly in MPLS traffic engineering(129th video, 7th minute)
o   Differentiated Services (DiffServ)
§  They are well known PHBs (Per Hop Basis)

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