Thursday, September 6, 2012


Theoretical Need for QoS:
·         Root Cause: Resource Contention
o   Multiple traffic flows sharing same logical or physical interface
§  Same or multiple applications
§  Each application has its own requirements(delay, packet loss, bandwidth, etc)
·         Resource Contention results
o   Due to this queuing of traffic occurred at layer-2 devices
o   It results,
§  Packets may be delayed or dropped
§  Effective flow through decreases
§  Delay or Jitter(differences in delay) exceed thresholds
·         Possible Solutions:
o   Best solution: Avoid Contention
§  Don’t over-provision network, so maintain enough bandwidth all applications.
§  Add new physical links and/or new physical devices
o   Next best solution: QoS
§  Network congestion is controlled on the links
§  Delay/loss/jitter/Throughput are controlled on per-hop-basis
§  QoS is band-aid for network but not a permanent solution
§  Longterm solution is add better and required hardware
There is too much contention, QoS also not helped

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